How to Determine Used Car Prices

When you are looking to purchase a car, there are many factors that go into determining a price. There is the cost of the vehicle and then there is anywhere from $500 to thousands more for repairs as well as financing charges. When purchasing used cars in tucson, you need to know what each of these variables mean and how they will affect the price. You also need to know how you can negotiate the price in your favor.

Here are tips to help you determine what you should pay for a used car and how to negotiate the price even lower.

Inspect the Vehicle

This might seem obvious, but it is important to inspect the vehicle thoroughly before you negotiate. Be sure that everything on the inside is in good condition. It doesn’t matter if there is a dent, it just means that you need to negotiate for lower price.

Get the Facts

How much does the vehicle cost? What is the total of all repairs that need to be done? How much of a repair is currently needed? You can get this information from a mechanic or even through a mechanic’s phone call.

Used cars in tucson

Set a Base

Start simple by figuring out where you are going to stop at with your negotiation strategy. For example, if you want $500 off of what the total repair costs are then set the base at that number.

Think High

There is no point in negotiating if you are going to go under the base price. In order to get a good deal, negotiate high and get as high as possible.

Keep Your Eye on the Target Price

This is how much you should be asking for in your negotiations and this is the amount that you should really be looking for. If you are not able to get it, then you shouldn’t be negotiating.

Ask for a Profit

You know the price of the car, you know how much a repair is going to cost, you know how much the car will cost for financing, calculate what you believe to be a profit and ask for that amount. If you are not able to get it, then don’t bargain.

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