Traveling With Pet – Tips for You
You have decided to take the pet all along with on your vacation. It is a lot of fun, and you will not need to worry of leaving the member of family behind in the unfamiliar kennel. With a few extra planning or forethought, you will have the most enjoyable and safe tour with the pet.
Taking the Road Trip
Suppose you are driving very long with your pet, then you will have to find the safe and comfortable way for the pet to travel. Also, you can place the pet in the carrier or secure this in your car. On the other hand, you may purchase the seatbelt-like the harness for pet that can allow them to stay out of carrier but safely restrained. This is not very safe to allow the pet to roam very freely in a car. He will be hurt very seriously in an event of minor accident, or he is likely to escape or get lost whenever you make the stops.
Never leave the pet alone in a car, particularly in the hot weather. Heat will fast become the life-threatening. Suppose your pet gets carsick very easily, you have to ask the veterinarian for the motion-sickness drug before your trip starts.
Carry your pet’s food with you, to feed your pet just small amounts of the food at time. Suppose your tour is very short, you require the pet wait or eat whenever you arrive and avoid carsickness. You must carry some of the pet’s water all along, and purchase the bottled water. The local tap water might have different minerals and sulphur that may upset the pet’s stomach.
Flying with pet
Lots of pet owners don’t like to fly out with the pets as it will be traumatic for all of them, but at times it is unavoidable. Till your pet is small, he can fly as the cargo or not in a cabin with you. You need to check with the airline to decide what kind of carrier can be acceptable or what rules generally apply in flying with the pet. You need to ask what the safety precautions in place are or what conditions pet can fly in and more. You need to ask the veterinarian if pet is enough to fly and if there’re any kind of special precautions that you must take into account.
International Travel
Taking the pet out of country needs very careful planning. You need to check out regulations for country that you are traveling and check that the pet has required vaccinations. At some cases, you will require vaccines administered several weeks before the departure date. Most of the countries may need Rabies Vaccination Certificate or Health Certificate.