Empower Yourself About the Different Causes of Hair Loss
Hair loss can take form in several ways depending on the root causes. The loss can be a gradual process or happen suddenly. It can also affect only your scalp or your entire body. However, it’s the hair loss from the scalp that is causing raising concerns among men and women. While you will learn more about the temporary hair loss, it’s critical to understand the some hair loss can be permanent.
Signs and symptoms of hair loss
Gradual thinning on top of the head: It’s a very common type of hair loss that affects both men and women. This condition advances as age advances and it starts from the forehead. It usually resembles the letter M in men. In women, there is often a broadening of the hair in the front.
Patchy or circular bald spots: A smooth and circular bald spot appears on the scalp. The condition often results in itching accompanied by a slight pain before hair loss.
Sudden hair loss: A handful of hair can come out following a physical or an emotional shock. It can also happen while washing your hair or while combing. It doesn’t lead to baldness but leads to overall thinning of hair.
Patchy scaling spreading over the scalp: This disturbing condition is often caused by ringworm. It leads to broken hair accompanied by redness, swelling and some oozing in the affected area. It can often be painful and needs immediate treatment.
Hair loss remedies
While there are numerous treatments and solutions available to treat hair loss, a thoughtful approach is recommended. It’s advisable to speak to an expert about your conditions and the underlying causes of hair loss before proceeding. There are natural remedies available and treatments ranging from simple procedures to the most advanced options like immunotherapy, acupuncture or micro hair pigmentation. There are numerous natural oils that can be used to combat hair loss and prevent further damage. These include:
- Magnesium oil
- Sesame oil
- Rapeseed oil
- Tea tree oil
- Rosemary oil
- Linseed oil
- Emu Oil
Among other natural oils.
The conclusion
Undergoing a specific treatment to combat hair loss is one thing. However, even if there is no family history of hair loss, it’s important to take preventive measures to maintain healthy hair. You can learn more about maintain healthy hair by following a healthy lifestyle and feeding your body with the right nutrients. Have a balanced diet and work on your stress levels. Be active and nourish your hair regularly with natural products.